"Details Box"

"Details Verstecken"
"Hide Details"

.K {Hide Details}
table.userProfileDetail {display:none;}

"Textfarbe Ändern"
"Change The Text Color"

.K {Details Text Color}
.userProfileDetail td td {
color:Your Color !important;}

"Linkfarbe Ändern"
"Change The Link Color"

.K {Details Link Color}
.userProfileDetail td td a {font-weight:normal;
color:Your Color !important;}

"Sternzeichen Verstecken"
"Remove Zodiac Sign"

.K {Hide Zodiac Sign}
.userProfileDetail td td a {display:none;}

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Hide The 'XX's Details (Main Title)

.K {Hide Details Main Title}
.userProfileDetail td.text {
display:none !important;}

Hide "Status", "Orientation", "Religion", etc.

.K {Hide Details Subtitles}
.userProfileDetail .lightbluetext8 {
display:none !important;}
.userProfileDetail td {
width:0px; padding:0px;}

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"Details Überall Verschieben"
"Move Details Around"

.K {Move Details Section}
table.userProfileDetail {position:absolute;
top:500px; margin-left:50px; z-index:3;}

- Margin-left   (+/- Zahl) nach Rechts/Links verschieben.
- top   (+/- Zahl) nach Oben/Unten verschieben.

- Margin-left   (+/- number) move the table to the right/left.
- top   (+/- number) move the table up/down.

"Details Nach Oben/Unten Verschieben"
"Move Details Up/Down"

.K {Move Details Up-Down}
table.userProfileDetail {position:relative;

- Benutze Negative Zahl Um die tabelle nach
  oben zu verschieben und umgekehrt.

- Use a negative number to move the table up,
  and a positive number to move it down.

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