"Blurbs/About Me/Meet "

° "Kurzinfo Sektion" verstecken °
° Hide Entire "Blurbs Section" °


.K {Hide Entire Blurbs Section}
table.blurbs {display:none;}

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☺☺☺ ° ☺☺ ° ☻ ° ☺☺ ° ☺☺☺

° "Kennen lernen Box" samt "Überschrift" verstecken °
° Hide the "Meet Section" and the "Heading" °

Folgendes am Ende von "Über Mich" einfügen:
Put the following code at the end of "About Me":


<table class="KhAk" style="display:none">

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☺☺☺ ° ☺☺ ° ☻ ° ☺☺ ° ☺☺☺

° "XX's Kurzinfo" verstecken °
° Hide "XX's Blurbs" °


.K {Hide Blurbs Title}
table.blurbs td.text {display:none;}
table.blurbs {margin-top:-15px;}

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☺☺☺ ° ☺☺ ° ☻ ° ☺☺ ° ☺☺☺

° "Über Mich und Kennen lernen Scriftzüge" verstecken °
° Hide "About Me And Meet Titles" °


.K {Hide About Me And Meet Titles}
table.blurbs td td .orangetext15 {display:none;}

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☺☺☺ ° ☺☺ ° ☻ ° ☺☺ ° ☺☺☺

° "Über Mich und Kennen lernen Scriftzüge" Ändern °
° Changing the "About Me and Meet Labels" °

- Erst einmal folgendes in "Über Mich" einfügen um die Original
  Schriftzüge zu verstecken:

- Put the following code in your "About Me" section to hide the
  original labels:

°Step I°

.K {Hide Original Headlines}
table.blurbs td td .orangetext15 {display:none;}

- Dann den folgenden Code je "Am Anfag" der jeweiligen Sektion
  kopieren um die eigene Schriftzüge zu kreieren:

- Then put the following code "At The Top" of each sections to
  recreate your own labels:

°Step II°

<span class="orangetext15" style="display:block;">
Your "OWN" Label Text Here

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° "Text In "KurzInfo Sektion" Formatieren °
° Formating Text In "Blurbs Section" °

Folgendes in "Über Mich" Sektion einfügen:
Put the following code in your "About Me" section:


.K {Formating Text In Blurbs}
table.blurbs td td span.text {
color:Your Color !important;
font-family:Verdana !important;
font-size:12px !important;}

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☺☺☺ ° ☺☺ ° ☻ ° ☺☺ ° ☺☺☺

° Alle Bilder In "Kurzinfo" Dieselbe Größe °
° All Images In "Blurbs" The Same Size °


.K {Blurbs Pics Same Size}
.blurbs img, .blurbs a img { width:400px !important;}

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☺☺☺ ° ☺☺ ° ☻ ° ☺☺ ° ☺☺☺

° Alle Videos In "Kurzinfo" Dieselbe Größe °
° All Videos In "Blurbs" The Same Size °


.K {Blurbs Videos Same Size}
.blurbs td td embed, .blurbs td td object {
width:213px !important; height:178px !important; } </style>

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