Paragraph & Line Break:
Absatz ↔ Parageraph <p>Your Text</p>
Zeilenumbruch ↔ Linebreak Your Text<br> or <br />

Control Width of a Paragraph & Adding Background Color:
<p style="background-color:DodgerBlue; color:White; width:300px;">
Your Parageraph
  Your Parageraph

Leerstellen: / Blank Space:
 Create a → n space  &ensp;
 Create a → m space  &emsp;

&ensp;&ensp;&ensp;&ensp;&ensp; Create n spaces
      Create n spaces

Horizontal Line:
Horizontale Linie ↔ Horizontal Line <hr>

Colored HR Example with width/size/position:
<hr color="COLOR" width="400px" size="3" align="right">
You can change "right" to "left" or "center".

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HTML TEXT (Bold & Italic etc.):
Fettschrift ↔ Bold Text <b>Your Text</b>
Kursiv ↔ Inverse <i>Your Text</i>
Unterstrichen ↔ Underlined <u>Your Text</u>
Durchstrichen ↔ Strikeout <s>Your Text</s>
Deleted Text ↔ Gelöschter Text <del>Your Text</del>
Schreibmaschine ↔ Teletype <tt>Your Text</tt>

Small Text & Big Text:
small Text <small>small Text</small>
Big Text <big>Big Text</big>
Bigger Text <big><big>Bigger Text</big></big>

Sup Text & Sub Text:
Sup (elemented) Text <sup>Sup (elemented) Text</sup>
Sub (elemented) Text <sub>Sub (elemented) Text</sub>

HTML TEXT (Combination of Tags):
Your Text <b><i><u>Your Text</u></i></b>

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Überschrift: / Header:
HTML <h1> to <h6> tags
Source Output
<h1>Header 1</h1>
<h2>Header 2</h2>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
<h4>Header 4</h4>
<h5>Header 5</h5>
<h6>Header 6</h6>

Header 1

Header 4

Header 6

<h3 style="background-color:DodgerBlue; color:White;">
Your Headline
Your Headline

HTML Inzeilige Elemente / Phrase Elements:
Citation <cite> Your Text</cite>
Computer code text <code> Your Text</code>
Definition term <dfn> Your Text</dfn>
Emphasized text <em> Your Text</em>
Keyboard text <kbd> Your Text</kbd>
Sample Computer Code <samp> Your Text</samp>
Strong text <strong> Your Text</strong>
Variable <var> Your Text<var>

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°HTML 6-Digit Hex Color Codes °

°CSS Text Properties °

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