"Squash Friends Table"


Auf Grund der vielen Anfragen stelle ich nun den code für "Kleine Tabelle Der Freunde" auf die Seite.

- Dabei hast du die Möglichkeit die größe der Bilder und, wie weit sie von einander stehen, nach Belieben zu ändern, indem du die farbige Zahlen in dem Code anpaßt.
- Du kannst auch "height" Angabe aus dem Code striechen.

Based on many request for it, I put the code to
"Tiny Friends Table" on the side.

- You have the ability to change the size of the friend pictures and how far they stand to each other. Therefore, you just change the colored numbers to fit your needs.
- You can also take out "height" property from the code.

The Numbers In The Codes:

      1 = "Space Between Friends Pics"
60/90 = "Width/Height Of Friends Pics"

"Winzige/Schmale FreundesListe"
"Tighten/Tiny Friends Table"


<style type="text/css">

.K {Tiny Friends Table}
.friendspace td, .friendspace, .friendspace table {
width:0px !important; padding:1px !important;}
.friendspace a img {border:0px;}
.friendspace a:hover img {border:0px;}
.friendspace td a img {
width:60px; height:90px;}
.friendspace td.text table, .friendspace table {
width:100% !important;}
.redlink {visibility:visible !important;}


"Winzige FreundesListe Mit Verstecktem Namen"
"Tiny Friends Table With Hiding Friends' Names"


<style type="text/css">

.K {Tiny Friends Table Without Names}
.friendspace td, .friendspace, .friendspace table {
width:0px !important; padding:1px !important;}
.friendspace a img {border:0px;}
.friendspace a:hover img {border:0px;}
.friendspace td a img {
width:60px; height:90px;}
.friendspace td.text table, .friendspace table {
width:100% !important;}
.redlink {visibility:visible !important;}
.friendspace td a {font-size: 0px;}
.friendspace td td td {line-height:0px;}


It Will Look Like: