"Interests Box"

" 'Interessen Sektion' Verstecken"
"Hide your 'Interests sections' "


.K {Hide Interests}
table.interestsAndDetails {display:none !important;}

.K {Move Details Up}
.userProfileDetail {position:relative; margin-top:-26px;}

Hide The "XX's Interest"


.K {Hide Interests Main Title}
.interestsAndDetails td.text {display:none;}

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

Hide "General", "Music", "Movies", etc.


.K {Hide Interests Subtitles}
.interestsAndDetails .lightbluetext8 {display:none;}
.interestsAndDetails td {width:0px; padding:0px;}

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

Changing "General", "Music", "Movies", etc.

- Erst einmal folgendes in "Über Mich" einfügen um die Original
  Schriftzüge zu verstecken:

- Put the following code in your "About Me" section to hide the
  original labels:

°Step I°

.K {Hide Interests Subtitles}
.interestsAndDetails .lightbluetext8 {display:none;}
.interestsAndDetails td {width:0px; padding:0px;}

- Dann den folgenden Code je "Am Anfag" der jeweiligen Sektion
  kopieren um die eigene Schriftzüge zu kreieren:

- Then put the following code "At The Top" of each sections to
  recreate your own labels:

°Step II°

<span class="lightbluetext8" style="display:block;">
Your "OWN" Label Text Here

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

" 'Gruppen' Verstecken/Anzeigen"
"Hide/Display your 'Groups' "

- Klick hier und uncheck den ersten Box.
- Click here and uncheck the first Box.

Group Layout Generator


Alle Bilder In "Interessen" Dieselbe Größe
All Images In "Interest" The Same Size


.K {Interests Pics Same Size}
.interestsAndDetails img, .interestsAndDetails a img {
width:220px !important}

Alle Videos In "Interessen" Dieselbe Größe
All Videos In "Interest" The Same Size


.K {Interests Videos Same Size}
.interestsAndDetails embed, .interestsAndDetails object {
width:213px !important; height:178px !important;}

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

- Wenn dein Text nicht die gesamte breite der Sektion füllt, benutze:
- If your text dosn't fill up the entire width of the section, use:


<hr color="Your Color" style="width:350px;"><br>
Your Text Here


<p style="color:Your Color; width:350px;">
Your Text Here

" Text In 'Interessen Sektion' Formatieren"
"Formating Text In 'Interests sections' "


.K {Formating Text In Interests}
.interestsAndDetails td td, .interestsAndDetails td td a {
color:Your Color !important;
font-size:12px !important;
font-family:Tahoma !important;}

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

" 'Interessen Sektion' Nach Oben/Unten Verschieben "
" Move 'Interests sections' Up/Down "

- Benutze Negative Zahl Um die tabelle nach oben zu verschieben
  und umgekehrt:
- Use a negative number to move the table up, and a positive
  number to move it down:


.K {Move Interests Up-Down}
table.interestsAndDetails {position:relative;

" 'Interessen Sektion' Überall Verschieben "
" Move 'Interests sections' Around "


.K {Move Interests Section}
table.interestsAndDetails {position:absolute;
margin-left:100px; top:500px; z-index:3;}

- Margin-left   (+/- Zahl) nach Rechts/Links verschieben.
- top   (+/- Zahl) nach Oben/Unten verschieben.

- Margin-left   (+/- number) move the table to the right/left.
- top   (+/- number) move the table up/down.

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙

◙ ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙  ◙ ◙  ◙ ◙ ◙