"Contact Table"

"Überschrift Verstecken"
"Remove the Title"

.K {Hide Contact Table Title}
.contactTable .whitetext12 {visibility:hidden;}

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"Kontakt-Box Verstecken"
"Hide Contact Table"

.K {Hide Contact Table}
table.contactTable {display:none;}

° Note: °

- Wenn der Kontakt-Box (und Schnellkontakt) versteckt wird, muss
es dann "UNBEDINGT" einen "BLOCK ME" Link/Button irgendwo auf
die Seite eingebaut werden. (HowTo folgt)

- If you hide the contact table (and User Shortcuts), you "MUST" include a "BLOCK ME" Link/Button somewhere on your page.
(HowTo follows)

Nutzungsbedingungen (Terms Of Service)

ჯჯჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯჯ

KhAk's Design - Contact Tables

ჯჯჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯჯ

- Kontakt-Box verstecken und den freien Raum für eigene
  Text/Button Links benutzen:

- Hide contact table, but keep free its space for adding your
  own text/button links there:

.K {Replace Contact Table}
.contactTable {visibility:hidden;
.KhAkNewCT img {
border:0px solid; border-color:Your Color; }
.KhAkNewCT {position:absolute; left:50%;
top:400px; margin-left:-300px;
text-align:left; padding:10px;
width:300px !important;
height:200px !important;
background-color:blue !important;
border-width:2px !important;
border-style:solid !important;
border-color:red !important;

<div class="KhAkNewCT">
Your Links/Button Links Here

- Stelle mit "margin-bottom" (+/-)Zahl den Abstand zu unteren
  Tabellen ein.
- Ändere "top und margin-left" Zahlen bis die richtige Position
  erreicht ist.

- Adjust with "margin-bottom" (+/-)number the distance to the
  below tables.
- Adjust the "top und margin-left" numbers to position the div.

Optional Properties:

- If you wish your "Links/Button Links" somewhere else, replace:
    .contactTable {visibility:hidden;

    .contactTable {display:none;}

Internet Explorer Underscore Hack
Create Your Own Image Navigation

ჯჯჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯჯ

° Block Link °

° Block Button/Image °

- Aber vergiss nicht, deine 'FRIEND ID' in den code einzufügen.
- Don't forget to insert your 'FRIEND ID' to the code.

ჯჯჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯჯ

What's a 'FRIEND ID' ?
- Look at the Address Bar on your profile.

ჯჯჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯჯ

Kontakt Tabellen-URLs
Contact Table URLs
URL For Click & Copy The URL
Add To Friend
Send Message
Add To Favorites
Add To Group
Forward To Friend
Block User
Rank User

- Vergiss nicht, dein 'FRIEND ID' einzufügen.
- Don't forget to insert your 'FRIEND ID'.

ჯჯჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯ ° ჯჯ ° ჯჯ

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"Rahmen Löschen"
"Remove Borders"

.K {Remove Contact Table Borders}
.contactTable, .contactTable * {border:0px !important;}

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"Die Größe Der 8 Icons/Links Ändern:"
"Resize The 8 icons/links:"

.K {Resize The 8 Icons}
.contactTable td td a img {width:160px;}

- Ändere die farbige Zahl bis es passt.
- Adjust the colored number to sweet your needs.

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"Den Orig. MS Konatkt-Box Anpassen"
"Customizing The MS Orig. Contact Table"

- "Hintergrund-Graphik/Farbe" zufügen:
- Adding "Background Image/Color":

Für einen Hintergrund-Bild:
For a background image:

.K {Contact Table Backg Image}
.contactTable {background-image:url(Image URL);
background-position:center center;
table.contactTable td td {
background-color:transparent !important;}

Für eine Hintergrund-Farbe:
For a background color:

.K {Contact Table Backg Color}
.contactTable, .contactTable td {
background-color:YOUR COLOR;}

Hintergrund für die 8 Icons/Links und Überschrift:
Background color for 8 icons/links and title:

.K {Contact Table Links and Title Backg Color}
.contactTable td.text {background-color:YOUR COLOR;}

Eine Hintergrund-Farbe unterhalb der Überschrift:
For a background color below the headline:

.K {Contact Table Backg Color Below Title}
.contactTable table, .contactTable td td {
background-color:YOUR COLOR;}

Hintergrund-Farbe für den Überschrift:
Background color for the title:

.K {Contact Table Title Backg Color}
.contactTable td.text {background-color:YOUR COLOR;}
.contactTable table {background-color:transparent;}
.contactTable td td {background-color:transparent !important;}

Hintergrund für die 8 Icons/Links:
Background color for 8 icons/links:

.K {Contact Table Links Backg Color}
.contactTable td td a img {
background-color:YOUR COLOR !important;}

Zwei-Farbige Contact Tabelle:
Two-Color Contact Table:

.K {Two-Color Contact Table}
.contactTable td.text {background-color:Your Color;}
.contactTable table {background-color:Your Color;}
.contactTable td td {background-color:transparent !important;}

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"Kontakt-Tabelle Verschieben"
"Move Contact Table"

.K {Move Contact Table}
table.contactTable {position:absolute; left:50%;
top:400px; margin-left:200px; z-index:3;}

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°^"Einen Neuen Kontakt-Box Erstellen"^°
°^"Create a New Contacttable"^°

- Wenn du dein eigenes K.T.-Bild (300x150) entworfen hast, benutze
  den folgenden code um es auf deinem Profil zu installieren.
- Ersetze "Your Image URL" mit der URL deines Bildes und füge den
  Code in die "Über Mich/Bio" Sektion ein.

- If you have created your own contact table image (300x150),
  use the below code to install it on your myspace profile.
- Replace "Your Image URL" with your own image URL and put the
  code in your "About Me/Bio" section.

<style type="text/css">
.K {Create ContactTable}
.contactTable {
width:300px !important; height:150px !important;
padding:0px !important;
background-image:url(Your Image URL);
background-position:center center;
.contactTable table, table.contactTable td {
padding:0px !important; border:0px;
background-color:transparent; background-image:none;}
.contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px !important;}
.contactTable a {display:block; height:28px; width:115px;}
.contactTable .text {font-size:1px !important;}
.contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none !important;}
.contactTable .whitetext12 {visibility:hidden;}

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