"Text In A Border I"

°"Farb-Tabelle / Table of Color"°

°HTML <P> Tag and the embeded Style°

- Du kannst P Tag benutzen um Text, Bilder, Videos etc. mit
  einem Rahmen zu versehen.
- Um die Breite von P tags anzupassen, füge:
   width:300px;   vor   ">  ein.

- You can use the P tag to put your text paragraphs, pictures,
  videos etc. in a border.
- To assign a width to the P tags add:
   width:300px;   before   ">

°"Text With Border Around"°

<p style="border: medium dotted; border-color: 27408B; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

<p style="border: thin dashed; border-color: 104E8B; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

<p style="border: medium solid; border-color: 2F2F4F; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

<p style="border: medium double; border-color: 6C7B8B; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

thin = dünn. / medium = mittelstark. / thick = dick.

°"Text With 3D Border's Around"°

<p style="border: 6px groove; border-color: 33A1C9; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

<p style="border: 6px ridge; border-color: 53868B; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

<p style="border: 6px inset; border-color: 668B8B; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

<p style="border: 6px outset; border-color: 388E8E; padding: 5px;">Your Text</p>

padding / Innenabstand
- Legt den Abstand zwischen dem Inhalt und den Rahmen fest.
- Fixes the distance between the content and the border.

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°"Text In A Border II"°
°HTML <textarea>-Tag°

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